yep... the turrets used to extinguish fire are placed far back in the factory anyway.
(i've already done the run with fire department...and a forrest fire killed my whole run, ups/fps to zero. fire warnings on tenthounds of trees -.-... i'm not sure if it's even playable with fire department in a long run ...if that happens)
On this note: Does Fire Department actually burn trees as well as your own stuff? I'm playing with Will-o'-the-Wisps (updated this myself -- if I remember correctly, it doesn't take much more than changing the version number), so a huge forest fire at night, spawning immense numbers of wisps, would slow it down even further. I already had some situations where UPS went down to close to 0.
[does it even make sense to follow this idea any further and at a load of stuff to the mod? and fire dep. is still on 0.17 i guess..]
If it is this mod by OwnlyMe, it already has been updated.
I'm not sure whether it makes sense. Sure, it's nice to have everything in one mod so everything that belongs together is displayed in the same style. On the other hand, I also like modularity -- small mods that are good at only one thing, but do this very well. Adding stuff can easily get out of hand, and maintaining the mod can get quite hard. So, of course I'm for keeping the mod simple! :-)
However, it really does make sense that a water turret can extinguish fire if you place it inside your factory. Adding just this feature would be acceptable, I guess. I only wonder if it could cause problems with water turrets meant for defense. Imagine there are flame throwers that try to burn your enemies, but as soon as there's something burning the water turret would quench the flames! Perhaps only extinguish fires if there are no enemies in range?