Void Block

by S6X

Start with nothing, build everything.

3 days ago

g Primordial Voidforge usage

2 months ago

I was wondering what the Primordial Voidforge purpose was exactly. It is not faster than the Celestial Exalted Voidworks, has 0 module slots, and need special fuel handling since it's nuclear+. I fail to see a scenario where I would like to use such a building.

I am enjoying the mod anyway, pretty different while not too complicated, and the visual are very nice! Is there a Discord or something where to ask for advice or discuss balance by any chance? Through my journey I'm taking note of a few more things I found weird and I don't necessarily want to pollute here by creating a thread for each ^^"

Thank you for the mod :)

2 months ago

I'm glad you're enjoying it! There's a thread about the balance of Voidcraft 1.3, or you can just add your comments to this thread here. Of course feel free to create new threads if you find bugs.

The primordial voidforge is a bit niche, admittedly. It can be useful in areas where you have a lot of nuclear infrastructure already, but it probably doesn't really shine unless you're using a nuclear fuel reprocessing mod like Bluetonium where you have to reprocess fuel cells so having another way to burn through nuclear fuel cells is desirable.

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