
by Zaflis

Smoothly snaps movement angle when driving cars or tanks.

30 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

i Soft Snap // Pavement Drive Assist Mod

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I've got two things to talk about here:

First, I've found it difficult to maneuver the vehicle sometimes because it snaps to a direction too quickly and harshly. I had an idea to make this transition smoother:

Snap to eight angles, but only when the vehicle is already very close to that angle. When it is oriented at a significantly different angle, don't snap it at all.

The mod Pavement Drive Assist conflicts with your mod as it also attempts to set vehicle orientation. The author of PDA would like to integrate compatibility with your mod, but says you'd have to put some code into yours that recognizes PDA.

7 years ago

Commented there.

New response