Utilization Monitor Blargh

Displays the utilization percentage of factories, miners, labs, furnaces, boilers, generators, and reactors.

8 months ago
0.18 - 1.1

i Option to only track non-player force

5 months ago

For people that have a megabase and have a significant performance hit when utilization monitor is on but also want to play in a sandbox via Blueprint Sandbox, a setting to "only track non-player forces" would be appreciated as then utilization monitor would only track the sandbox and not attempt to also calculate the megabase.

5 months ago

Interesting - there's an option to only track player force now, but not the inverse. I wonder if there's any need to select which force to track? Or to somehow allow multiple forces to be tracked?

Thinking about this....

5 months ago

In my case, tracking the bpsb-[username]-somethingelse (forgot the exact format) force would track just the blueprint sandbox for the specific player. That would not include the "force" sandbox or the other two types that require SE. I imagine that if you're playing multiplayer, you wouldn't want to track the enemy entities, but you're also probably not idling by designing blueprints while waiting for them to dominate you.

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