Utilization Monitor Blargh

Displays the utilization percentage of factories, miners, labs, furnaces, boilers, generators, and reactors.

8 months ago
0.18 - 1.1

b [Fixed] Blueprint Sandboxes %

2 years ago

When playing around in a regular sandbox with the blueprint sandboxes mod, the utilization monitor is not present. Please add support for blueprint sandboxes.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Interesting mod - verified there's something weird with the interaction between UMB and it. Entities are created under a different force ("bpsb-sb-f-player") so I would have expected disabling the "check only player force" option to fix it, but something's still not working.

Looking into it now.

2 years ago

Found the problem - a bug in UMB where that option ("Only track the 'player' force") wasn't actually working.

Fixed in 0.8.12.

2 years ago

Just a note, you will need to uncheck "Only track the 'player' force" when using that mod.

2 years ago

I knew the sandbox was using a different "force" acting as the same player's force, but didn't know it would affect things. Thanks for the fix and clarifications.

New response