2.0 version by mcmodderHD: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/UnlimitedProductivityFork
This mod allows using productivity modules inside beacons, on non-intermediate products and on usually 'immune' assemblers*, furnaces and drills.
Mod Settings
Allow productivity in beacons: Allow productivity modules to be used in vanilla beacons.
Alllow productivity in all beacons: Allow productivity modules to be used in beacons added by mods.
Allow all effects everywhere: Allows all module effects in all assemblers, drills and furnaces. Requires 'Remove recipe restrictions' to be active to have any noticable effect.
Remove recipe restrictions: Allow vanilla productivity modules to improve the productivity of non-intermediate recipes (like ammo, inserters, modules or mod items).
Remove recipe restrictions from all modules: Removes the recipe restrictions from all other modules, including those added by mods.
Beacon module count: Change how many modules fit inside a single beacon
Beacon range: Change how big an area a single beacon can cover. Higher values also allow more beacons to cover a single machine.
Beacon effectivity: Change how much of an effect modules have from inside a beacon. Vanilla (and mod) default is 0.5, meaning a beacon with 2 modules is as effective as a single module inside a machine.
*This includes chemical plants, crushers and other mod-added production machines.
Since the balance of SpaceExploration can easily be messed up with UP, it was marked as incompatible from their side.