First of all, I want to thank you for the mod, it runs beautifully. We are using it as the sole logistics solution to our Space Exploration + Krastorio 2 playthrough, performance wise there has been no hitch. Your mod is a lifesaver, and I would not play space exploration without it.
The issues we are encountering are these:
- Changing the object of the chest is very difficult in multiplayer, for example if I want to set a chest to iron plate, sometimes it will remain on what it was set when placed down, in order to correctly change I have to close the window, open it up again and change. Repeat this until it changes, sometimes it takes quite a few tries. This is by far the biggest issue.
- In Space Exploration, when you press N, you enter a "ghost mode" of sorts, where you can go around and click on objects and change their settings, such as logic signals, can place wires. If while in this mode, 2 players have a unichest open and one of them deletes the chest, the game crashes.
- When you copy a selection to a different place, unichests do not remember their setting.