Turret Shields

by OwnlyMe

Lightweight scripted shields with power consumption for all turrets (configurable or researchable)

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

g research requierments for lvl 2 shield etc. are absurdly high with mods

5 years ago

using this mod with bobs mobs, rampant, space exploration and krastorio makes the cost for upgrading absurdly high.

lvl 1 shield gives only 50 hp
lvl 2 gives 100 hp
lvl 3 gives 150 hp

everything above is calculated with the settings I set but that needs space flask and whatnot.

is there a way to reduce/balance that changing the mod settings does nothing till I reach space which is absurd.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

do you have some hints how to fix this? i really hate bobs, its a pain to install and find out what and how he's patching

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