Turret Shields

by OwnlyMe

Lightweight scripted shields with power consumption for all turrets (configurable or researchable)

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

i Shield battery?

5 years ago

Why not have a separate structure stores the power or quickly recharges shields on nearby turrets.
Sort of like the protoss shield battery.

For research. I added a wikilink down below.

5 years ago

if you use the transformers mod and an accumulator it has the same effect
(if you are worried that the shields run out of power)

5 years ago

As I understand it, this idea is about boosting the effective HP/regen rate via additional hardware rather than just technology.

Imagine an additional turret that doesn't shoot, but causes adjacent turrets to pool their shields into a single giant health bar.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

wouldnt that be overpowered?
you can already research shield size infinitely and charging rate 15 times

New response