Turret Shields

by OwnlyMe

Lightweight scripted shields with power consumption for all turrets (configurable or researchable)

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

i Other entities?

5 years ago


5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

for walls, there are already energy walls mods.
do you have a specific use-case scenario?

5 years ago

All the assembly things! Lol

Furnaces, assembling machines... Miners? Oh power stuff maybe, dunno.

I didn't think this through all that well TBH, but I guess does it add shields to artillery?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

it would also add a ton of energy load on your base.
it currently doesn't add shields to artillery
(isnt artillery usually far behind your defense lines anyway?)

5 years ago

I don't usually worry much about energy since I use Bob's, but yeah that makes sense.

And depends on how you much of the automatic artillery radius you want to take advantage of, but yeah that also makes sense.

Hmm how about an emmiter you can configure for different settings or something. Like if a portion of your base loses power it assumes the defenses fell and turns on shields for nearby entities.

That would probably be UPS heavy though.

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