Lightweight scripted shields with power consumption for all turrets (configurable or researchable)
Mods introducing new content into the game.
New ways to deal with enemies, be it attack or defense.
Is it researchable? And does it need power to maintain shield?
not yet and good idea, i think i will add both to next version, though power requirement would probably add a lot of script load
+1 for research.
Also, you could technically add infinite research for shield absorb amount / recharge rate maybe(instead of settings)?
done :) do you guys really need power consumption? i have a plan but this would change everything and probably at least triple the script load
I think power consumption would be nice and balanced if its not going to cause performance issues. Nevertheless, great mod thanks for uploading.
Good fun mod! Really handy with rampant and natural evolution mods too.
If you didn't want the script overhead of coding in power you could always add a few solar panels and accumulators to the recipe. Just a thought.
i think i might actually add that electric-interface. but next version i'm first adding an alternate graphic for the shield effect.