
Let the trees on your map spread over time similar to real vegetation

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1


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Which major changes happened in the past?

Version 4

We add tree lifecycle, which ends when age and pollution damage reached its maximum. If either doesn't then the tree remains in one of the grey stages and falls eventually. After this stage it is decomposed and removed from the map and the cycle can repeat.

We implement perlin noise generator and a sharpness function for influence calculation.

We limit the algorithm to trees with autoplacement specification. Trees without autoplacement specification are ignored.

Version 3

We check peak based configuration of the map for temperature, moisture, elevation, distance and tile restrictions as factors for placement of the trees. Dead trees aren't placed.

Version 2

We consider wind orientation and wind speed as factors for new tree placement. Additionally the love radius is reduced with the tree age. The age calculation considers pollution too.