
by Zomiib

Transport resources and trade your way up! start with just a bit of coal and work your way up to rockets.

1 year, 11 months ago

g Difference to TradeRouteOverhaul

1 year, 11 months ago


What is the difference between this mod and TradeRouteOverhaul (

1 year, 11 months ago

Right so both my mod and the other are based on the original TradeRouteOverhaul and are updated to Factorio v1.1. The main difference right now is that in my mod i've created a custom GUI for viewing trade routes. If you played either the original TRO or TRO1-1 then you will probably have an understanding of why a GUI is very useful. If not, it is a massive quality of life change as you no longer have to walk to each city, click on each assembler, and write the trade down in a spreadsheet or memorize it. The GUI does all that for you.

1 year, 11 months ago

Thanks for the quick explanation.

I believe it would be quite helpful for other players if you included this note in the mod description.

See you,

1 year, 10 months ago

To be honest, the UI kindof made the game too easy. Especially since it knows trades from unexplored areas.

Also, it crashes when searching for e.g. "produce:iron-ore" and then press " " after the ore (I think it crashes when there is an invalid item behind produce: or ingredience:)

1 year, 10 months ago

Its funny you say that because before i made this mod the two posts i saw about the original had included hand made scripts to find trades as doing it by hand was just way too tedious. All the UI does is remove that tedium not actually change the gameplay. I do agree the gameplay can use some refinements and plan to make changes one day but the UI is fine (apart from the crashes of course).

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