Rivens Dynamic Train Weight

This mod makes train weight depend on cargo, realistically affects acceleration and braking.

6 months ago
Transportation Trains

g Difference?

6 months ago

is there a major difference between this mod and your other one? https://mods.factorio.com/mod/TrainSpeeds. both contain that they accelerate based on cargo in their descriptions so i was just wondering which one is more weight accurate, and if they have any other differences

6 months ago

Hey Luna!

The train-acceleration mod calculates the weight of the train and modifies the train speed every frame.

The train-weight mod calculates the weight of the train and adjusts the weight of the wagons. The factorio engine will then simply do all the acceleration calculations itself, as opposed to the mod 'hacking' it every frame.

6 months ago

Thanks for the quick response Riven!

So to me it sounds like the train-weight mod is more performance friendly (not updating every frame) and less impactful to train speed overall due to only modifying the weight of the wagon as opposed to what Train-Acceleration does?

As far as my understanding of your moda goes Train-Acceleration modifies the acceleration power of locomotives, as well as multiplying the weight of most train parts (loc's and wagons). whilst train-weight only updates the weight of the wagon itself in accordance with how much and what it's carrying?

please correct me if i'm wrong about my understandings, Thanks <3

6 months ago
(updated 6 months ago)

You are correct. The issue with the Train-Acceleration mod is that is gets more and more complex, the more mods I have to support. It is becoming a tad cumbersome, as support for mod X is easy, and mod Y is easy too, but supporting X and Y together is tricky. Ofcourse there are a dozen (train)mods that all affect eachother, and I find myself spending 99% of dev-time going through testing of different subsets of mods.

This new Train-Weight mod is so simple, that most (subsets) of mod 'just work' out of the box.

New response