This MOD replace Cool Biters to Cute Biters. This changes are for appearance only.
Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
Version: 3.110.2 Date: 2024.05.19 Info: - Apply to Biters of Rampant(by Veden) or Rampant, fixed(by Dimm2101) with armored biter.
Version: 3.110.1 Date: 2024.05.19 Info: - Remake. - Updated Logic : timing of replacing graphics became on last step. It will be work with other unknown mod better. - Apply to Biters of other creator's MOD * Big Mosters (by MFerrari) - Add MOD Setting. Mode of substitution by analogy. - Add MOD Setting. To be able to set reduce saturation mode. - Updated, Slightly changed the color of the armored biter.
Version: 2.110.3 Date: 2024.04.30 Info: - Updated Graphic. - Add MOD Setting. To be able to set face-less mode.
Version: 2.110.2 Date: 2024.04.14 Info: - Add MOD Setting. To be able to choose which enemy to apply for each enemies'MOD. - Add MOD Setting. To be able to set only corpse mode. - Applies to icons "precisely". - Fixed bug : Applies to ArmouredBiters "precisely". * only corpse of small armored biter, its was used wrong entityname.
Version: 2.110.1 Date: 2023.12.24 Info: - Apply to Biters of other creator's MOD * ArmouredBiters (by CybranM) * Explosive Biters, Frost Biters, Toxic Biters (by MFerrari)
Version: 1.110.1 Date: 2023.09.03 Info: - first release. Locale: - Japanese and English are available. License: - Using CC-BY.