The Floor Is Lava Revival

Extreme radiation causes you to take damage unless you're on manmade tiles. A fun challenge for territory expansion. Original mod by westoncraft, updated to 1.0/1.1 by Xorimuth.

6 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

i [Fixed] Nuked Tiles

9 months ago

I'm watching Cyclomactic stream using your mod and a redeem nukes his base. The floor he was using, bricks, were destroyed, but the surface tiles did not revert to causing damage. Is this something you improve?
I know nuked tiles are different than normal surface tiles.
(evil idea: nuked tiles are always hot, regardless of flooring - or refined concrete. This could be a mod setting.)

9 months ago

Nuke blast craters and charred ground (nuclear-ground) now cause the player to burn as it should.

Nuke blasts always being hot is a fantastic idea and has been added as an (default off) option.

9 months ago

:happy dance:

New response