This is not an issue of FARL, even though the event name is from FARL
You should not store the event id returned by script.generate_event_name() in global. Event id's are reassigned on each game load, so when a mod is added/removed that has custom inputs (like FARL) or has its own events the event id you stored might not exist or point to a completely different event.
Something like the code below should work
--Somewhere in the top level of control.lua
local my_event_id
function get_my_event_id()
if not my_event_id then
my_event_id = script.generate_event_name()
return my_event_id
And then call that function in on_init and on_load and whenever you want to raise the event
script.raise_event(get_my_event_id(), {player_index=player.index})