
by Sunnova

Resources can be placed, cleaned up, erased or restored, Supports Vanilla, not tested with other mods in 2.0!

15 days ago
0.15 - 2.0
7 years ago
Latest Version:
0.0.39 (15 days ago)
Factorio version:
0.15 - 2.0
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Resource Checking, Placing, Erase and Restore.


Not tested with other mods in Factorio 2.0

Restoring erased resources will remove cliffs if they are in the way.

Placing resources close to cliffs will remove the cliffs, if cliffs are within the selected area, the resource will not be placed.

Leave all feedback in the forums, not the mod portal!

You will need to craft a Resource Checker, Rectangle-Placer, Round-Placer, Erase and Restore resources.

These items function like a Blueprint/Deconstruction Planners.

With the Ore Resource Checker item or Ore Resource Erase item click and drag a rectangle encompassing the tiles where your resource patch is.

With rectangle placer item in hand click and drag a rectangle encompassing the tiles where your resource patch is to be placed.

With the round placer item in hand, click on the map and a roundish resource patch will be placed.

The Ore Resource checker will convert unwanted ore(s), also removing any fluid(s) from the area selected if that option is selected in the settings.

The Fluid Resource checker will convert unwanted fluid(s), also removing any ore(s) from the area selected if that option is selected in the settings.

Placers are off by default, see settings on how to enable.

The Resource Eraser is based on Tergiver's ore erase mod, it now keeps track of the resource removed.

After erasing a resource patch you can use the Resource Restore item to restore the erased patch, just click somewhere
on the map with the Resource Restore item and the resource will be restored at that location.

Using Shift with the Ore Resource Erase item will copy the resource patch, without erasing, still allowing you to restore it somewhere else.

You can only restore the last resource erased, new location allowed.
Restoring over cliffs will remove the cliffs.

The Resource Rock placer will place a roundish patch of mixed rocks, Rocks are random!

The Resource Rock Copy item will copy and store a patch of rock(s).

The Resource Create Copied Rock item will copy the stored patch of rock(s) to be Copied to another location.

The Resource Create Rock Patch after doing a copy on one rock item will create a patch of that one rock.

The Resource Tree placer will place a roundish patch of mixed trees, Trees are random!

The Resource Tree Copy item will copy and store a patch of tree(s).

The Resource Create Copied Tree item will copy the stored patch of tree(s) to be Copied to another location.

The Resource Create Tree Patch after doing a copy on one tree item will create a patch of that one tree.

All items to craft are found on the SunResources tab.

settings.lua controls the amount for each tile of fluid or ore that you wish to place, ore and fluid can be random or fixed.

From the main menu in factorio, select settings, select mod settings, select startup tab.

Look for SunResources

Debug Logging - If selected turns on debug logging.
Amount of Ore to place
Amount of Fluid to place
Rock Chance max value - Rock placement chance, if random comes up 2 then rock placed, max random value between 3 and 10.
Tree Chance max value - Tree placement chance, if random comes up 2 then tree placed, max random value between 3 and 10.
Ore Random or Fixed - if selected amount of ore will be random between 5000 and the Amount of ore to place
Fluid Random or Fixed - if selected amount of fluid will be random between 25000 and the Amount of fluid to place
Change Ore Amount - if selected amount of ore will be changed when using ore checker(s)
Change Fluid Amount - if selected amount of fluid will be changed when using fluid checker(s)
Create Resource Placers - if selected Resource Placers will be created.
Remove Ore - If selected ore will be removed when using fluid check
Remove Fluid - If selected fluid will be removed when using ore check

The ranges are

ore: 15,000 - 99,999,999 default 15,000
fluid: 75,000 - 99,999,999 default 75,000
tree chance: 3 - 10, default 5, random 1-5, if 2 tree is placed.

Let me know if you want the defaults or maximum amounts changed.