Hi, thanks! I watched both your streams and it's perfect! For me it seems everything working fine so far (I saw only minor bugs or glitches which I'll fix in next update). I also notice, you had some questions for example "spawning" or you cannot continue on the mission when you finish the level. And finaly "can I go into the space port base in the mission2?"
1) The respawning is forbidden because some objectives need to be done on specific place. And when you once fail to complete the objective, you can start failing over-over again and never finish the mission, because for example you're out of ressources or script is running. This is why is easier to load your autosave and prepare your-self better.
2) When you finish the mission, there is nothing else to do, because tech-tree in missions is limited. (In every mission you actualy unclock new and new research) :-) I'm little bit sad, because you cannot see the mission speicification. This can be seen only, if you separate missions to "scenarios" folder
3) and YES, you can go to the base and try to mess it up, if you find weak spots (train gate if you have good timing) or glitches. (but prepare for some suprices) :D
I'm pretty exited when you reach mission 3. I think the real fun starts from this mission :D.
Also sorry I never catch up your streaming. I'll try to be better tommorow. :D