
Electrically powered walls.

3 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

g Difference

6 years ago

How does this differ from the other force field mod? What features are planned?

6 years ago

I've added some screenshots and more to the description to answer your question. What's described is the extent of what I have planned. It's mostly functional but there are still some edge-case circumstances that break the game to be addressed. Forcefield gates are not likely to be added as I've spent enough time on writing this mod already and I have other things to do.

6 years ago

To me it looks to massively simplify the placing of walls. To my understanding the original mod would require you to specify how big the wall was, and how far away from the emitter it was. Basically it was all done via the settings on the emitter. this appears to simply be place the wall plates where you'd like them and put an emitter "somewhere nearby". If the author could confirm this is correct? If so this makes things alot easier.

6 years ago

Yes, the entire point of revamping the mod like this was to make it compatible with blueprints. I also never much liked the rigidity of the original mod's straight lines. If I wanted a double-layered wall, I had to put two emitters down, one in front of the other.

Now, I can lay out the walls in whatever pattern I wish to. I'm considering adding forcefield gates, but that's still a maybe for now.

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