
Production line and mining drills need steam instead of electric energy. / Must be compatible with all mods, UPS friendly, multiplayer friendly.

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g [done] Update to 0.18

4 years ago

Can you update it to 0.18 please

4 years ago

Wich mods do you have together with this mod?

4 years ago

I like to play AAI with this mod or Krastorio2 if possible

4 years ago

Can you teach me something about Mod making?
I made a cuble of simple Mods myself but i like to lern more.

4 years ago

What type of mods are you want to learning?
Normally it's enough to copy parts from vanilla, change it and you have new prototypes.
Use this mod for better understanding what the tables and prototypes are: Info Mod

4 years ago

I want to go pas the prototype phase and like to understant wat you wrote in your info.lua

4 years ago

All prototypes, that you can read or copy directly.
So, for changing landfill stack size just find the string:
data.raw.item.landfill.stack_size = 100

Copy it to your mod's data.lua and change it:
data.raw.item.landfill.stack_size = 1000

Now the stack is 1000! Yes, it's so easy.

4 years ago

Updated, rebalanced.

New response