Spidertron Engineer

Build your factory as a Spidertron from the start! Instead of unlocking better weapons and armor, unlock upgrades to yourself.

1 year, 5 months ago
1.0 - 1.1
Transportation Combat

b You die on warp in Warptorio 2

2 years ago

Start new game, get into the warp zone, hit the Warp button. In a few seconds you warp to a new planet and the bug happens: you die. Afterwards you can respawn, but there will be second, third etc. Spidertron.

Factorio version: 1.1.59
Mods (minimum list for Warptorio 2):
planetorio 0.1.3
warptorio2 1.3.8
core 0.0.0
base 1.1.59
SpidertronEnhancements 1.8.4
SpidertronEngineer 1.8.10

1 year, 9 months ago

this is likly the same issue that has come up with factorismo so im going to cross link that thread for reference


tldr of the thread so far as of writing

it seems spider tron is fine with lua teleport but when you move between layers you need to use something else and so far everything i have seen kills the engineer as it takes him out of spidertron seems to be the gist

1 year, 9 months ago

Yeah, this isn't something I can fix, I need warptorio to either use LuaEntity.teleport or to create a remote interface with the old and new unit numbers when a spidertron is teleported. Spidertron Engineer really isn't designed to work with such gameplay-changing mods anyway.

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