Schmitt | Speed Limit Signs for Trains 🚄🔟

Place speed limit signs beside tracks to immediately lower the train speed to the required speed limit.

1 year, 2 months ago

i ✅ Changelog missing

1 year, 2 months ago

I dont really care how this is done, if you choose to use the build in changelog mechanic mods can take advantage of for the game and this website or if you write down a list somewhere or whatever. however in general it would be nice if something changes about the mod and its possible in any way to easily explain it to the average player what this change means then it would be great to be told this. maybe you think a change is great but i or someone else doesnt like it and would rather use an older version doing it the old way, currently there is no way to do such a thing and we have to guess what is different between 2 versions of this mod. i havent lookt at your other mods but i assume the same problem exists there probably as well.

1 year, 2 months ago
(updated 1 year, 2 months ago)

I dont really care how this is done, if you choose to use the build in changelog mechanic mods can take advantage of for the game and this website or if you write down a list somewhere or whatever. however in general it would be nice if something changes about the mod and its possible in any way to easily explain it to the average player what this change means then it would be great to be told this. maybe you think a change is great but i or someone else doesnt like it and would rather use an older version doing it the old way, currently there is no way to do such a thing and we have to guess what is different between 2 versions of this mod. i havent lookt at your other mods but i assume the same problem exists there probably as well.

Fair point. I will check that feature (changelog) so that changes are transparent. Especially for THIS mod there was no change that can be noticed by the player in game. Only clean up.

1 year, 1 month ago

Due to your feedback I have changelogs now for all my mods since 2 weeks. :-)

New response