Space Extension Mod (Feoras Fork)

by Feoras

Greatly extend the end game requiring multiple launches, massively increased science and item production. Requires a few hundred launches with a variety of new components. The goal is to build a vessel capable of getting you off the planet and home safely.

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Circuit network Manufacturing

g [Fixed] Angel Technology overhaul integration

6 months ago

For some unknown reason, Faster than light theory A costs only 128 basic research data and 64 red science analyzers. The same problems with all variations of this technology.
As far as I remember, this research should cost several thousand science packs.
In general, any technology from this mod costs no more than 2048 research cycles. Perhaps the problem is with Angel overhaul. Since I have not seen a single research that required more than 2048 research cycles.

5 months ago

Hi there,

sorry for the late response but thanks for the report.
I will take a look at Angels overhaul mode and check what goes wrong there

4 months ago

Added support for angels tech overhaul mode in version 1.2.12

Let me know if it works for you now. If you have any suggestions regarding balancing (what kind of science packs, amount of science packs, etc) please let me know as well because I have not played angel's tech overhaul mode at all.

New response