Smelter UPSGrade

by Kingdud

A single smelter (and centrifuge) that is equivalent to 405 smelters. For saving UPS. Important: Check Changelog before upgrading to 1.100.1!

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b mod clashing with Hydrogen Power Systems??

5 years ago

error message reads: "failed to load mods: error while loading entity prototype "bulk-centrifuge" (assembling machine): Invalid Pipe connections for offset (0.0000000000, -2.0000000000). the offset must be outside of the entity bounding box. Modifications: Smelter UPSGrade"
base version is 0.17.79
mod works fine on its own, and only broke when "Hydrogen Power Systems" mod by CyberWizard2261 was active too.

5 years ago

There is indeed a conflict. In the Hydrogen Power Systems mod he changes the properties of the default centrifuge to allow it to have a fluid connection. The fundamental reason why our mods conflict is because the HPS mod maker changes the properties of a default item, I then clone that default item and extend its properties to make it bigger, except that when I do that there is now a fluid box that shouldn't exist.

There are numerous ways to fix this, I opted to just explicitly declare that my bulk centrifuge doesn't have a fluid box. In reality though, expect HPS to conflict with a lot of mods because of the mod maker changing base-game items. That's a no-no in general, you want to make a copy of the item and create a new version specific to your mod. The new version will be available in a few seconds.

5 years ago

Thank you! works beautifully now.

New response