Smart Inserters

A more modern and configurable approach at adjustable inserters to change pickup/drop position/offsets, and many more options like custom inserter length, a custom setting for ranges and diagonal, support for slim and big inserters... Enjoy!

10 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

b [] selector_gui.lua:26: attempt to index field 'items_to_place_this' (a nil value)

26 days ago
(updated 26 days ago)

The mod Smart Inserters (2.0.12) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Smart_Inserters::on_gui_opened (ID 95)
Smart_Inserters/scripts/selector_gui.lua:26: attempt to index field 'items_to_place_this' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
Smart_Inserters/scripts/selector_gui.lua:26: in function 'generate_slim_inserter_grid'
Smart_Inserters/scripts/selector_gui.lua:221: in function 'create_pickup_drop_editor'
Smart_Inserters/scripts/selector_gui.lua:337: in function 'create'
Smart_Inserters/control.lua:64: in function <Smart_Inserters/control.lua:58>

spage-age, controller_type=editor, space-plattform, built: furnace and select
I'll try to reproduce that again

26 days ago

Did you build a furnace? not a slim inserter?

26 days ago

yes, i was also surprised. i wanted to build a furnace in this case. i can no longer reproduce it.
but regardless of what i wanted to do. there was a crash that wasn't supposed to happen ;-)
i finally made it to the first space platform to play
from now on I will test slim inserter and smart linked chest on the platform.
I was able to set other slim inserters there before without any problems.

26 days ago

The strange part is that to get to that function it had to pass the "is_inserter" function on control.lua:60.

I can probably find some more checks before getting to that point but IDK I will need to try and reproduce it.

26 days ago

I will watch it. or the bugs crawl alone

New response