Recipes only do one thing at a time

by matjojo

A factorio factory is very wide, single recipes can change items significantly, in reality factory lines are more often than not very long, with small changes at every machine. This mod tries to recreate that feeling by splitting most recipes in the game per ingredient. Thresholds and other settings available. See the mod portal for more info.

1 year, 8 months ago

b [Not A Bug] Recipe duplication

1 year, 9 months ago
as in the image there seems to be 2 different kind of recipes for all items, one with the expected amount of inputs and one with different amounts of certain but not all inputs, and some are just plain duplicates.

1 year, 9 months ago

Are you sure that these two recipes are both ever researched? It seems possible to me that only one of these two costs is ever researched. It is also possible that this special machine that you have is showing both the expensive and the normal mode recipes. I'd love to try and fix this if you can show that these recipes are both available at the same time.

1 year, 8 months ago

Yeah, whilst working on the aluminium mod issue I quickly verified this. Even in the base game with only this mod you see the same for most other recipes. These are the recipes for other modes, and are thus never researched.

You can verify this by hovering over the recipe in the crafter, pressing CTRL+SHIFT+F and ensuring that the name for one of the duplicates contains the text "expensive" and for the other contains "normal".

1 year, 8 months ago

okay, this makes editor mode borderline unusable, even with no research or selecting expensive mode both kinds of recipes show.
it seems like this is an issue with expensive mode recipes being a separate or addition to the recipe table and it is planned to be removed anyway ( so idk if their is a simple solution for your mod to disregard expensive recipes but it would greatly improve the usability as of now. ^^

1 year, 8 months ago

I am indeed going to remove expensive mode handling when the game removes expensive mode. As it makes the code for this mod a lot more complex. But before that, I'm not going to do so. It sucks that the game has bad handling for it in editor mode, but there is nothing I can do about that.

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