Recipes only do one thing at a time

by matjojo

A factorio factory is very wide, single recipes can change items significantly, in reality factory lines are more often than not very long, with small changes at every machine. This mod tries to recreate that feeling by splitting most recipes in the game per ingredient. Thresholds and other settings available. See the mod portal for more info.

1 year, 8 months ago

g Feedback

2 years ago

I really like the concept! I would love it if it was possible for a modded run, and I always seem to get the same error when starting it up with any mod. which is that it does not seem to be able to find a recipe for an "expensive" recipe for an object.

Would probably use this on my next DWmarathon run. :D

2 years ago

That is weird. I assumed that it would support any mod. Can you give an example mod that it doesn't work for?

2 years ago

What seems to be not working in tandem with this mod is:
SE (AAI industry requirement),
Any AAI vehicle mods,
Angel/Bob mods
PyMods doesnt seem to work either
Omnimatter doesnt work either.
Rampant Industry doesn't work, but Rampant Arsenal does.

I haven't tried it on Krastorio 2, or spaceblock.
BZ modpack

What works:

Basic Sea block,
248k Mod,
5Dim modpack(Complete)

Right now my run is a 248k, 5dim build. Seems to be the only one stable. Plus with a mod like Brave New World, it makes it much much more interesting. This mod of yours is the bomb

2 years ago

Side note: the errors seem to always indicate something about expensive recipes, and i believe that some mods don't have them.

2 years ago

I have support for bobs and omnimatter now working. Angels' are causing issues due to a bug in their mod. If I can get a patch to work for their mod I'll submit that, else we'll have to wait for them to fix it. After angels' I'll try the other mods in the list.

2 years ago

Awesome! I also had a look at 5dim mods, with item progression. I realize that with this mod, when you make a t1 inserter, and want to upgrade it to a t2, the last step of the t2 recipe is the t1 itself. I was just wondering if the recipe per step is based on the complexity of the ingredient? I don't think there's a way to check if a t2 recipe has a t1 involved.

Awesome job man! Keep it up! :)

2 years ago

I've submitted the patch to the Angels' developers, it's up to them now for that mod. I'm uploading the fixes for bobs and omnimatter now, you can keep using your current worlds. It could be that this also fixes the other mods, but I'm not sure about that.

As for the inserter question. The order of sub-recipes is the same as the order of the ingredients in the tooltip. I could order them from the most complex to the least complex, but that would be kinda arbitrary.

A fun idea would be to completely disassemble a recipe such that any ingredient that can be made in the same assembler needs to be created in this one chain as well. Though then you can't really re-use what you already have. hmm.

2 years ago

I figured that the order of complexity is ore -> intermediate (ranging from complexity) -> finished item -> last step?

I might be wrong, but it seemed like that. I don't think you need to order them since, a factory module (say inserter), next to an upgrade most often than not lines up for the last item to be made. (hope that made sense xD) But you could probably have it as a mod setting to let players do whatever order. just an idea.

And i had another idea, but it involved having your own entities, like in Bob's mod, there are certain assemblers for electronics, 2x2 ones, and normal assemblers 3x3, and what not. Why not something like a smaller assembler for your mod? Again, it's just an idea, and might be something you might wanna do. :P

Again, pretty fun, and pretty hectic when red circuits come in. ;')

2 years ago

Yeah, that does sound neat. I'll have to try and find some time haha.

I've updated the mod, now compatible with all the mods in your list. Still waiting on angel and the Pymods lads to update their mods for compact, but all the others now work.

1 year, 1 month ago

"As for the inserter question. The order of sub-recipes is the same as the order of the ingredients in the tooltip. I could order them from the most complex to the least complex, but that would be kinda arbitrary."

Perhaps there could be a config option to set specific items to be preferred to be used earlier? Another instance of something a little unusual in a chain is with Bob's modules, modules have a base circuit and then some other parts added on, though that base circuit board is always the last step to be added with this mod, rather than adding different parts to it as it goes down the chain. If there was a config option to say "always try and put x in the first crafting step" that could let users fix most of those issues, and wouldn't necessarily need you to make specific compatibility for every mod and recipe.

1 year, 29 days ago
(updated 1 year, 29 days ago)

Yeah, those kinds of things (base circuit) were exactly what I was thinking about during development.

My fear is that the order would become confusing to users, but maybe that isn't really a problem.

I could add some list of things that always go first. But like I said in my other reply, I don't really have the time or will to do that now. Pull requests are always welcome of course.

New response