⚠️ SearchlightAssault ⚠️

Adds a game map and searchlights which sweep for foes at great range, alerting you while directing adjacent turrets to snipe spotted foes. Designed to dovetail with the early-mid game, searchlights provide: - Circuit network interfaces for search & detection I/O - Incentive to automate lamp & combinator production in the early game - New tactics to assault biter bases without leap-frogging turrets!

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

b Creach when editing Blueprints

7 months ago

I'm in "Editor Extensions"s testing scenario, creating blueprints.

When I try to save a modified blueprint, I get the message below, followed by an exit to the main menu. It happens every time I try to modify any blueprint; even if it's only to remove one of two steel chests, or to edit the name of a blueprint.

It does not happen when I'm in freeplay.

I do have some modes installed other than Editor Extensions, but as the error below say, I should report this to you; and I can edit & save blueprints if I remove your mod.

The mod ⚠️ SearchlightAssault ⚠️ (2.2.17) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event SearchlightAssault::on_player_configured_blueprint (ID 72)
Blueprint has to have at least one icon.
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function '__newindex'
    __SearchlightAssault__/control-items.lua:54: in function 'SwapToBaseEntityType'
    __SearchlightAssault__/control-items.lua:104: in function 'SeekBlueprints'
    __SearchlightAssault__/control-items.lua:108: in function 'SeekBlueprints'
    __SearchlightAssault__/control-items.lua:126: in function <__SearchlightAssault__/control-items.lua:114>
7 months ago

I tried downloading that mod, but I couldn't recreate this error.

I've tentatively uploaded version 2.2.18 to try to fix this. If it doesn't work, can you send me your save file?

7 months ago

That seems to have done the trick!

There is a message saying: "718021 updated entities", the number change every time in an increasing order; I don't know what it indicates, but it does not appear when I disable your mod.

Also, I just got in my main save to the point where I'm finding your Searchlight to be fabulously effective at keeping the spawners, and foremost, worms from creeping too close to my defensive wall. And this without felling overpowered! ^^
The only feedback would be that I found it a bit hard to know if a mode added turret is added correctly to the "ignore list" in the mod settings.

7 months ago

There is a message saying: "718021 updated entities", the number change every time in an increasing order; I don't know what it indicates, but it does not appear when I disable your mod.

Just fixed that in the next release. Thanks for mentioning it!

The only feedback would be that I found it a bit hard to know if a mode added turret is added correctly to the "ignore list" in the mod settings.

Thanks, that's a good note. Might be a while before I get to it.

Glad you're enjoying the mod! :)

New response