Thanks for reporting this! Sadly, I don't know when I'll be able to get a fix out.
In the meantime, if you know the name of the turret, there's an option in the mod settings to make a blocklist that stops searchlights from trying to mess with other mod's turrets.
To add one or more turrets to the block list:
- Look up the name of the incompatible turret
- You can either check the mod's .lua files for the entity prototype, or try using this simple in-game command while hovering your mouse over the turret in question:
- /c game.print(
- Load your game
- Pause the game, and enter the Settings menu
- Enter the Mod Settings menu, then the Map tab
- Locate the SearchlightAssault mod settings option "Ignore turrets matching these semi-colon separated names:"
- Write the entity / prototype name exactly, including hypens (-), etc
- To add more turrets, put a semicolon (;) between each entry
- Confirm changes and exit the pause menu
- Resume playing
Note that changes made in the mod settings menu will be lost unless you save your game.