⚠️ SearchlightAssault ⚠️

Adds a game map and searchlights which sweep for foes at great range, alerting you while directing adjacent turrets to snipe spotted foes. Designed to dovetail with the early-mid game, searchlights provide: - Circuit network interfaces for search & detection I/O - Incentive to automate lamp & combinator production in the early game - New tactics to assault biter bases without leap-frogging turrets!

3 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

g LuaEntity API call when LuaEntity was invalid.

4 months ago

Hi ran into this when the SearchLight attempted to boost a Modular turret(cannon turret), laser and gunturret 2s. I'm running rampant with evo enemies aswell.

Here's the spat out notice:

The mod ⚠️ SearchlightAssault ⚠️ (2.2.16) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event SearchlightAssault::on_script_trigger_effect (ID 155)
LuaEntity API call when LuaEntity was invalid.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/control-gestalt.lua:189: in function 'BoostFriends'
SearchlightAssault/control-gestalt.lua:216: in function 'EnterAlarmMode'
SearchlightAssault/control-gestalt.lua:509: in function 'FoeFound'
SearchlightAssault/control.lua:364: in function <SearchlightAssault/control.lua:357>

I'm going to upload a save and a screenshot of when it happened. I'm going to assume this will happen no matter what so it might be easy to repro.

4 months ago

oh god I tried to remove one and got another crash.

The mod ⚠️ SearchlightAssault ⚠️ (2.2.16) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event SearchlightAssault::on_pre_player_mined_item (ID 11)
LuaEntity API call when LuaEntity was invalid.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/control-tunion.lua:385: in function 'GestaltRemoved'
SearchlightAssault/control-gestalt.lua:487: in function 'SearchlightRemoved'
SearchlightAssault/control.lua:514: in function <SearchlightAssault/control.lua:502>

4 months ago

My attempts to prevent it from crashing are failing so horribly lmao

The mod ⚠️ SearchlightAssault ⚠️ (2.2.16) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event SearchlightAssault::on_entity_died (ID 4)
LuaEntity API call when LuaEntity was invalid.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/control-tunion.lua:385: in function 'GestaltRemoved'
SearchlightAssault/control-gestalt.lua:487: in function 'SearchlightRemoved'
SearchlightAssault/control.lua:514: in function <SearchlightAssault/control.lua:502>

4 months ago

Thanks for reporting this!

I think I know roughly what the problem is, but sadly, I'm not going to have time to work on updates anytime soon.
I only have a little free time during winter breaks, and last year wasn't very fruitful. Hopefully this year I'll be able to work a little more on the mod.

If you know the name of the turret, there's an option in the mod settings to make a blocklist that stops searchlights from trying to mess with other mod's turrets.

To add one or more turrets to the block list:
- Look up the name of the incompatible turret
- You can either check the mod's .lua files for the entity prototype, or try using this simple in-game command while hovering your mouse over the turret in question:
- /c game.print(game.player.selected.name)
- Load your game
- Pause the game, and enter the Settings menu
- Enter the Mod Settings menu, then the Map tab
- Locate the SearchlightAssault mod settings option "Ignore turrets matching these semi-colon separated names:"
- Write the entity / prototype name exactly, including hypens (-), etc
- To add more turrets, put a semicolon (;) between each entry
- Confirm changes and exit the pause menu
- Resume playing

Note that changes made in the mod settings menu will be lost unless you save your game.

4 months ago

Let me know if just updating the blocklist doesn't work..

If so, over the weekend, I can try to cleanup your save with console commands and send it back to you, so you can at least keep playing.

4 months ago

I'll give this a shot. I did think of trying to black list but I thought it would have been easier to just stop using it before I know for sure what was going on,
That's when the other 2 errors started happening haha.

Does Searchlight play nice with AmmoLoader+? I know that mod does some weird stuff with entities in general.

4 months ago

I think it should be compatible with AmmoLoader+
At the very least, you shouldn't see crashes, just maybe ammo floating around with extra range if another mod is using the +range property on ammo.

If you notice issues because another mod has a +range feature on ammo and you are seeing major issues, you can try disabling the mod setting "Override max ammo range?". You'll lose out on the extra-range boost searchlights provide to ammo, but things should be more sane.

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