Thanks for the compliments and the feedback!
Definitely feel free to keep making suggestions. The majority of suggestions have been things I want to do, even if I can't always work on it right away.
Trying to get rid of the larger green circle has been a challenge, I don't know when I'll be able to figure out something for that. Being able to fix that would tie into the ability to hide the searchlight's "range" from the overall turret range indicator on the map screen, which I know some other players would like...
If I can't figure it out in a few months, I might just change how the yellow-scan-range indicator is rendered to make it more apparent when mousing over a searchlight.
I have been rendering a small animated marker on rangeboosted turrets, so it sounds like I need to work on making something less subtle. Making things more obvious at a glance is a good idea. I was also thinking about adding some kind of wired-up dirt texture to the ground in the area where turrets can be range boosted.