⚠️ SearchlightAssault ⚠️

Adds a game map and searchlights which sweep for foes at great range, alerting you while directing adjacent turrets to snipe spotted foes. Designed to dovetail with the early-mid game, searchlights provide: - Circuit network interfaces for search & detection I/O - Incentive to automate lamp & combinator production in the early game - New tactics to assault biter bases without leap-frogging turrets!

7 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

b Searchlights and Companion Drones

2 years ago

Drones from https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Companion_Drones follow "light spots" like it's a player. Strange.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Looking at the code, it looks like they're trying to attack the hidden entity I make for the spotlight to target, even though that hidden entity is indestructible (and thus ignored by everything in the base game). The code looks like it's triggered by player.is_shortcut_toggled("companion-attack-toggle").

There's not a lot I can do if someone else's mod commands their units to move to my entity's position.
I'll try asking the mod author about ignoring my entity / indestructible entities in general.

In the meanwhile, I tested arming a bot and switching the shortcut button. It worked for me to stop them being distracted by the light.

2 years ago

Oh, so they are following it to attack! Thanks for the reply.

New response