Schall Virtual Signal

Adds more virtual signals, which can be used for large-scale circuit calculations, map chart tags, station icons and blueprint icons. Currently includes: number signals, colour signals, greek letter signals, mathematical signals, arrow signals, map icon signals. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, Português Brasileiro)

3 months ago
0.17 - 2.0
Circuit network

b [Solved] conflict (Dectorio)

3 years ago

after update this mod conflict with Dectorio "Error while loading virtual-signal prototype "signal-orange" (virtual signal): Key "icon_size" not found in property tree at ROOT.virtual-signal.signal-orange Modifications: Dectorio > Schall Virtual Signal

3 years ago

Just released hotfix 0.17.3 / 0.18.4 / 1.0.2 / 1.1.2 for this.

I have added dummy property lines (icon_size & icon_mipmaps) to make it more robust. (Probably Dectorio or any other mods should do the same...)

And please request Dectorio to add an optional dependency line to its info.json, due to its overhaul nature. (Well, Dectorio overhauls all/most colour signals to its much darker theme...)
So it would be better if it loads AFTER mine.

3 years ago

Thanks for the fix! Worked)

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