The good ones (my opinion lol) for use as map tags are the: Arrow signals, Numbers (maybe with a different background colour than blue, to tell them apart) and the Colour signals (maybe put a border around the extra large ones).
I have recently discovered some of the Speaker Signals 2 icons display larger as well. These icons seem to be around double the size (I think they are still 64 pixels but when used cover double the normal area, I think).
Ideally having an icon (thats named extra large, maybe even a seperate tab? so people dont get confused) that covers around 3x3 chunks would be perfect, but anything is better than nothing.
A normal map tag icon covers 16x16 - 18x18 tiles, the larger ones I have seen cover around 36x36 tiles. So an extra large 3x3 chank icon would be around 96x96 tiles and 6 times larger then the norm.
Thank you for showing an interest in my suggestion, and good luck with all the useful mods of yours I'm using. ^_^
[sidenote: Was not expecting a rush on it, didnt even think I would get a reply.]