Schall Virtual Signal

Adds more virtual signals, which can be used for large-scale circuit calculations, map chart tags, station icons and blueprint icons. Currently includes: number signals, colour signals, greek letter signals, mathematical signals, arrow signals, map icon signals. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, Português Brasileiro)

3 months ago
0.17 - 2.0
Circuit network

i [Solved] Extra Large Icons

4 years ago

I've noticed the modified Turret icons from Heroturrets are alot larger than normal when used as a Tag on the Map.

If this could be done on purpose for certain icons, then you would be able to use icons that are easier to see from further away (also easier to see through the clutter of tags if you use something that auto-tags resources)
Please, thank you. ^_^

4 years ago

This is an interesting idea.
I have not tried the mentioned mod, but if it works, it can open up some useful applications.
Maybe you could provide an explicit list of what icons to include. (It is much better if they are just existing icons scaling up, as I am not an artist for drawing new icons.)

The main problem is I probably will not have time for that recently.
For example, this week pops up update tasks for many of my mods, as 1.1 has just arrived.
Not to say several mod ideas are already long-waited in my task queue. There are three specific new mods I really want to finish, one since 1.0 introduction (as it is specific for 1.0) while the other two has been stalled for about half a year.
Everything else could only come after that, unless there are very good reasons to push up the priorities.

Thus, I cannot promise anything, e.g., when it will be done.
If you do not want to wait, better request somewhere else or try to mod yourself.

4 years ago

The good ones (my opinion lol) for use as map tags are the: Arrow signals, Numbers (maybe with a different background colour than blue, to tell them apart) and the Colour signals (maybe put a border around the extra large ones).

I have recently discovered some of the Speaker Signals 2 icons display larger as well. These icons seem to be around double the size (I think they are still 64 pixels but when used cover double the normal area, I think).

Ideally having an icon (thats named extra large, maybe even a seperate tab? so people dont get confused) that covers around 3x3 chunks would be perfect, but anything is better than nothing.

A normal map tag icon covers 16x16 - 18x18 tiles, the larger ones I have seen cover around 36x36 tiles. So an extra large 3x3 chank icon would be around 96x96 tiles and 6 times larger then the norm.

Thank you for showing an interest in my suggestion, and good luck with all the useful mods of yours I'm using. ^_^
[sidenote: Was not expecting a rush on it, didnt even think I would get a reply.]

3 years ago

Sorry for the long wait.

Just released 0.17.2 / 0.18.3 / 1.0.1 / 1.1.1, where I have figured out the tricks for the extra large icon display on map view and minimaps!
A bunch of new signals are also added. So please try them out if you are seeing this.

3 years ago

There appears to be a new conflict with Dectorio.

20.689 Error ModManager.cpp:1577: Error while loading virtual-signal prototype "signal-orange" (virtual-signal): Key "icon_size" not found in property tree at ROOT.virtual-signal.signal-orange
Modifications: Dectorio › Schall Virtual Signal

I'm guessing this might be related to this feature because of the icon_size property and I'm assuming this has to do with both mods making changes to the vanilla colour signals.

Making Dectorio depend on SchallVirtualSignals gets me around this issue and I'm not averse to hacky solutions so this is enough to satisfy me. But of course not having the issue in the first place would be better. I don't know which mod to blame here though or whether you can even do anything about this. Just let me know and I'll go complain over at Dectorio. Also let me know if you need to know anything else.

I really love this mod by the way. My unnecessarily complex circuit contraptions are so much easier to understand thanks to it.

3 years ago

Just released hotfix 0.17.3 / 0.18.4 / 1.0.2 / 1.1.2 for this.

Your guess was right, although under wrong assumption. Vanilla does NOT have orange signal.
But yes, both mods tried to add a new signal with the same name. Probably using different icon specifications, leading to the conflict.

I have added dummy property lines (icon_size & icon_mipmaps) to make it more robust. (Probably Dectorio or any other mods should do the same...)

And yes, please request Dectorio to add an optional dependency line to its info.json, due to its overhaul nature. (Well, Dectorio overhauls all/most colour signals to appear much darker.)
So it would be better if it loads AFTER mine.

Thanks for your compliment.

New response