Schall Module Placement

A small mod allowing module placement into multiple machines with just a single selection. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, Português Brasileiro)

9 days ago
0.18 - 2.0
Mining Manufacturing

i [Responded] Adding the ability to request modules from construction network? (Will not implement)

Similar to the Module Inserter mod? I initially thought this was a competitor to that mod, but this is more an aid for construction by hand.

Incidentally neither mod allows changing module requests on ghosts...

3 years ago

As what I have stated in FAQ why I created this mod:

  1. This mod simulates the player is placing modules into/from the machines directly, and assumes the player character is standing in the field. So it does not require putting in item requests nor calling bots. Hence, handling "item-request-proxy" is not ever needed, allowing a simple code.

Using this mod is like direct placement/removal of modules into/from machines. No module requests ever involved in the process. Thus it is natural that I do not have to handle any module requests neither.
Any insufficient modules are directly listed above the player as flying text. The user will know exactly what are missing. Hence I think it is a bit unnecessary to first fill that will module requests (from network), while the user is quite likely to come back in a few minutes with new modules stacks and to place again?

Incidentally neither mod allows changing module requests on ghosts...

I would suggest clicking out the modules in blueprints BEFORE placing ghosts (OR use deconstruction planner to remove module requests from already-placed machines), then simply use this mod to place modules directly.
Also, the game API to handle module requests is quite weird, which are totally different from module inventories or anything comparable. So I would rather not to write extra code to handle this unnecessary part...

Entirely fair

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