A few functions about map chart tags. Includes alignment to chunks, auto-append position or chunk coordinates to tag text. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Português Brasileiro)
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Version: 2.0.0 Date: 2024.10.26 Features: - Updated to 2.0.
Version: 1.1.1 Date: 2021.08.12 Features: - Support for "Schall Radar Alignment" mod, for multiple surface calibration. - Option "Chunk (area)" is now split into "Chunk (absolute)" and "Chunk (relative)". Changes: - Renamed settings for better mod compatibility. Optimisations: - Code refactoring. - Improved library code.
Version: 1.0.1 Date: 2021.08.12 Features: - Support for "Schall Radar Alignment" mod, for multiple surface calibration. - Option "Chunk (area)" is now split into "Chunk (absolute)" and "Chunk (relative)". Changes: - Renamed settings for better mod compatibility. Optimisations: - Code refactoring. - Improved library code.
Version: 0.18.2 Date: 2021.08.12 Features: - Support for "Schall Radar Alignment" mod, for multiple surface calibration. - Option "Chunk (area)" is now split into "Chunk (absolute)" and "Chunk (relative)". Changes: - Renamed settings for better mod compatibility. Optimisations: - Code refactoring. - Improved library code.
Version: 0.17.3 Date: 2021.08.12 Features: - Support for "Schall Radar Alignment" mod, for multiple surface calibration. - Option "Chunk (area)" is now split into "Chunk (absolute)" and "Chunk (relative)". Changes: - Renamed settings for better mod compatibility. Optimisations: - Code refactoring. - Improved library code.
Version: 1.1.0 Date: 2020.12.07 Features: - Updated to 1.1. Changes: - Disabled feature "auto align map chart tags to chunks", as it is now an integral part of base game 1.1.0.
Version: 1.0.0 Date: 2020.11.20 Features: - Updated to 1.0.
Version: 0.18.1 Date: 2020.08.13 Features: - Total change in definition of coordinates formats, allowing more flexible custom formats. Optimisations: - Code refactoring.
Version: 0.17.2 Date: 2020.08.13 Features: - Total change in definition of coordinates formats, allowing more flexible custom formats. Optimisations: - Code refactoring. Locale: - All locale are moved to separate mod "Schall Language Pack".
Version: 0.18.0 Date: 2020.02.04 Features: - Updated to 0.18. Locale: - All locale are moved to separate mod "Schall Language Pack".
Version: 0.17.1 Date: 2019.08.26 Bugfixes: - Additional check on player index, skipping script generated tags.
Version: 0.17.0 Date: 2019.08.01 Features: - Auto align map chart tags to chunks, upon creation. - Adjustable position information automatically appended to text of chart tags. - Several foramtting options on information appended to text of chart tags. - Support radar mod "Schall Radar Alignment", where the calibrated chunk coordinates can be used. Locale: - English, German, traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese are available. - Brazilian Portuguese is available. (Credit to NickFury23.) License: - Using Bob's Copyright License. Document included.