Schall Endgame Evolution

Adds GUI to display evolution factor and monitor alien spawn rates. Adds progressively higher tiers of aliens (configurable) at very-late game, bringing some real challenge! (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Português Brasileiro, Русский)

9 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

g [Solved] Details on new difficulty levels please

5 years ago

Hi, love this mod, I use it alongside Rampant and Swamageddon, and for enhanced defense I use Modular Turrets and Longer Range Turrets, seems to work well.

Pretty please could you provide another table in the FAQ that shows exactly what the evolution level required for each category increase is for each difficulty level setting? I had a quick look in the .lua files but couldn't see anything obvious (not very fimilar with modding).

5 years ago

Good to hear about the first comment about numbers in FAQ. I always thought that these maybe "over-detailed", because no one ever mentioned if these walls of text were useful to players or not. (In comparison, most other mods do not provide any numbers about new aliens at all...) Your comment tells someone really read them. :D

For biters, you can find in enemies.lua line 149 & 157:

biter_cat[tier].pollution_to_join_attack = 400 * ( 1 + (tier-4)*(diff_max-difficulty)/(diff_max-1) )
table.insert(biterspawner.result_units, {, {{1 - 0.1 / math.pow(2, (tier-4)/difficulty), 0.0}, {1.0, 0.4 * math.pow(0.68, tier-4)}} } )

For spitters, you can find in enemies.lua line 277 & 285:

spitter_cat[tier].pollution_to_join_attack = 200 * ( 1 + (tier-4)*(diff_max-difficulty)/(diff_max-1) )
table.insert(spitterspawner.result_units, {, {{1 - 0.1 / math.pow(2, (tier-4)/difficulty), 0.0}, {1.0, 0.4 * math.pow(0.68, tier-4)}} } )

"tier" is the category number, from 5 to 10.
"difficulty" is the difficulty setting in options, from 1 to 9.
"diff_max" is the highest difficulty, 9.
A new table could be added to FAQ, if it is necessary and I have the time.

5 years ago

Hey - I stumbled over these mod settings and came here to find out what they do. It would be great if they had at least a hover tooltip to give a general hint.

4 years ago

Just made a table of all these values for original category V - X and the new ones up to category XX, for the recent version 0.17.8.

New response