Shows chunk and tile grids around the player. Designed for radar placement where its chunk location is important, and for OCD players who want to achieve perfect blueprint alignments. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文)
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Version: 2.0.2 Date: 2024.12.31 Features: - Added support for cursor blueprint record (in library) checks. Optimisations: - Improved library code.
Version: 1.1.1 Date: 2024.12.31 Optimisations: - Improved library code.
Version: 2.0.1 Date: 2024.12.15 Features: - Options on tile grid color. - Options on chunk grid color. - Support multiple surfaces. Bugfixes: - Updated function calls to blueprint item to base game 2.0 standard. - Updated function calls to cursor ghost to base game 2.0 standard.
Version: 2.0.0 Date: 2024.10.26 Features: - Updated to 2.0. Changes: - Adjusted function calls to base game 2.0.7 standard. - More robust coding to existence of rendering objects. - Rewritten library code, to handle the changed 2.0.7 prototype definitions.
Version: 1.1.0 Date: 2021.08.12 Features: - Introduced display of chunk and tile grid around the player, based on conditions of user selections. - Options on show chunk in "Alt-mode". - Options on show chunk on cursor stack. - Options on show chunk on cursor ghost. - Options on show chunk on cursor blueprint. - Options on show chunk on cursor radar. - Options on show chunk on cursor buildable only. - Options on tile grid. - Options on chunk grid. Locale: - English is available. - Other languages are available in separate mod "Schall Language Pack". License: - Using Bob's Copyright License. Document included.
Version: 1.0.0 Date: 2021.08.12 Info: - Trimmed-down version of 1.1.0, taking away features that are not yet supported by game API 1.0.0. - Missing features include show chunk on cursor ghost. Features: - Introduced display of chunk and tile grid around the player, based on conditions of user selections. - Options on show chunk in "Alt-mode". - Options on show chunk on cursor stack. - Options on show chunk on cursor blueprint. - Options on show chunk on cursor radar. - Options on show chunk on cursor buildable only. - Options on tile grid. - Options on chunk grid. Locale: - English is available. - Other languages are available in separate mod "Schall Language Pack". License: - Using Bob's Copyright License. Document included.
Version: 0.18.0 Date: 2021.08.12 Info: - Trimmed-down version of 1.1.0, taking away features that are not yet supported by game API 0.18.47. - Missing features include show chunk on cursor ghost. Features: - Introduced display of chunk and tile grid around the player, based on conditions of user selections. - Options on show chunk in "Alt-mode". - Options on show chunk on cursor stack. - Options on show chunk on cursor blueprint. - Options on show chunk on cursor radar. - Options on show chunk on cursor buildable only. - Options on tile grid. - Options on chunk grid. Locale: - English is available. - Other languages are available in separate mod "Schall Language Pack". License: - Using Bob's Copyright License. Document included.
Version: 0.17.0 Date: 2021.08.12 Info: - Trimmed-down version of 1.1.0, taking away features that are not yet supported by game API 0.17.79. - Missing features include show chunk on cursor ghost. Features: - Introduced display of chunk and tile grid around the player, based on conditions of user selections. - Options on show chunk in "Alt-mode". - Options on show chunk on cursor stack. - Options on show chunk on cursor blueprint. - Options on show chunk on cursor radar. - Options on show chunk on cursor buildable only. - Options on tile grid. - Options on chunk grid. Locale: - English is available. - Other languages are available in separate mod "Schall Language Pack". License: - Using Bob's Copyright License. Document included.