Schall Ammo Turrets

Adds turrets covering most existing ammo. Currently includes: minigun turret, sniper turret, rocket turret, autocannon turret, cannon turrets, flamethrower turret - propane gas. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Русский, Português Brasileiro)

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g [Responded] 0.18 sniper ammo does not get damage upgrades. (Overhaul mod incompatibility, will not implement)

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

0.18 sniper ammo does not get damage upgrades.
Also turret itself does not seem to get upgraded damage.

3 years ago

Huh? Really?
The ammo and turret both work perfectly fine on my side.

Check the numbers in your game if it is very different from my screenshot. If so, show me your screenshot too. You can upload to file host just like ImgBB.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Must be krastorio2 or space exploration interfering probably.
I'm guessing krastorio2 interfere with sniper turret and sniper ammo upgrades. Because other turrets seem to be getting upgrades.

3 years ago

If this is the case, I am not going to do anything specific to this.
It is because every overhaul mods are making tons of changes to vanilla items and techs (that's why they are called "overhaul"), and do it in very different ways. It is not possible to adapt to all these very different ways. I do not have lots of time and energy for them.

3 years ago

Fair enough.


3 years ago

狙击炮塔的瞄准/延迟时间 (warmup time) 倒是可以调整,目前设定为一秒。但坦白说,真人狙击手从举枪到按下板机只用一秒,已经很快吧?

我鼓励防御建设多元化的,敌人跑得太快、无防御能力的问题,可以配合「重机枪炮塔」或「火焰炮塔 - 丙烷」等中短程而火力强大的炮塔。另一种玩法则是配合《疾风异星科技》(Schall Alien Tech) 内的「静止束炮塔」或「原力炮塔」将敌人定住。


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