
by PFQNiet

Love Factorio? Love Satisfactory? Want to play both at once? Well all right then! This overhaul mod reworks Factorio to play more like Satisfactory, with Milestones, self-driving cars, direct connection of belts to machines, and much more! Please support the original developers by purchasing a legal copy of Satisfactory before downloading this mod.

2 years ago

b ctrl+x particle accelerator crash

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

If you try to cut out or delete with the deconstruction planner (right click to delete it doesn't even start to work) a particle accelerator while being in the map editor and the game is not paused this happens:

Error while running event Satisfactorio::on_tick (ID 0) LuaEntity API call when LuaEntity was invalid. stack traceback:

[C]: in function'__index'

...Factorio__/scripts/constructors/particle-accelerator.lua:78: in function


core/lualib/event_handler.lua:47: in function


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