I'm attempting to load the game with a truly insane variety of mods installed for SEK2, and so this mod seems perfect for the job!
I ran across two issues that prevented my game from loading initially. I modified my local copy of SE Ore Integration to fix both types of errors and this allowed me to load the game. As neither of these seem to have been reported before, I'm guessing that either another mod changed recently and/or I am using some additional mod that caused initial conflicts. The two issues I had were:
The Indium mod does not have indium-ore, but instead has indite-ore. I found and replaced all instances of indium-ore in the ore-processing and core-fragment files.
The core-fragment file does not have quotes around the word "item" in the phrase "type = item" in most cases. This caused a load error for me, complaining that the type had to be a string. I simply text-replaced all instances of "type = item" to include quotes around the word "item".
Thanks for the mod, and good luck with your sanity!