SE Ore Integration

This mod integrates ores from a modpack consisting of SE, K2, BZ mods, Planetfall's mods, Trikop's mods, and Timeken's mods into a smaller number of "raw" or composite ores. Now it is more likely that your starting system has at least one planet with the ores / core seams that you need. The actual ores needed for gameplay can be crafted from the "raw" ores (with byproducts of course, as is the SE way).

11 months ago
Mining Fluids

i Can I add to the mineral sorter

1 year, 16 days ago

The author feels that after the integration of minerals in the game, it needs to be produced by a machine similar to the mineral sorting machine rather than the assembly machine, the sorting machine can also improve the probability of obtaining various minerals by improving different specialized formulas, of course, it may require different levels of scientific research to unlock specialized formulas, of course, this is just a personal idea

1 year, 16 days ago

Although I like the idea, I think that for now it is outside the scope of this mod to add a new machine. I want to stick to the Space Exploration, Krastorio2, or Vanilla machines. I chose the assembling machine for most of the recipes because it is the easiest for the player to build early in the game. I may try to add a mineral sorting machine later, but I have other things I want to do first.
However, if you know of a mod that already adds a mineral sorting machine (and is compatible with SE+K2), you can mention it to me and I will try to make this mod compatible.

1 year, 7 days ago

Half of the mods for factorio have a model from Angel (
Check the license and use it ;)

New response