SE Ore Integration

This mod integrates ores from a modpack consisting of SE, K2, BZ mods, Planetfall's mods, Trikop's mods, and Timeken's mods into a smaller number of "raw" or composite ores. Now it is more likely that your starting system has at least one planet with the ores / core seams that you need. The actual ores needed for gameplay can be crafted from the "raw" ores (with byproducts of course, as is the SE way).

5 months ago
Mining Fluids
This mod 31 From other mods 3
Dependency types:
Default 3 Required 1 Conflict 0 Optional 2 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 133
all-the-modportal 36
better 91
BestMods 6
Last dependency data update: 20 hours ago (for v1.5.3)