Roc's Hardcore Delayed Tech Tree

Pushes back some technologies in the Space Age tech tree, increasing the difficulty of the game and the reward for visiting planets.

25 days ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod

g Agree and Disagree with this mod

27 days ago

I understand pushing back the following:
Infinite research (makes the game a lot harder), pushing back nukes (makes the bitters more challenging for longer), and pushing back cliffs (makes bases more interesting).

I don't understand pushing back the following:
nuclear/kovax (just forces you to spam solar everywhere, less options for a long time), logistic (bots are a fun part of the game to build with, waiting till you have already built everything seems like it would add a lot of tedium), repair packs (so you just destroy and store anything that took damage? That sounds kind of annoying tbh).

Just my 2 cents.

27 days ago
(updated 27 days ago)

Nuclear power and logistic bots are available, it is Kovarex enrichment and active providing/requesting that is delayed. Gleba is a totally different planet based on whether one uses Logistic System.

We have found delayed repair packs to add some flavor to deathworld starts, however you are welcome to disable that option in settings.

New response