Robotic Voice Sample For Speaker

Adds robotic voice sample for the programmable speaker.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Circuit network Cheats
The Unlicense (Public Domain)
10 months ago
Latest Version:
0.1.004 (3 months ago)
Factorio version:
1.1 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
387 users

Robotic Voice Sample For Speaker

For what else could it be ?
Add a thousand or so short voice sample as new instrument and notes for the programmable speaker. All in english-US as read by this AI ( ( Andrew speed 1 terrain 1or Ava speed 0.8 terrain 1.2). That's all this mod does, the rest is yours !

1=>Factorio-words : name of every item from the game

2=>Letters, (latin alphabet)

3=>Numbers, (1-20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 millions billions)

4=>Special, (signals and colors)


This category contain sample of words that may be useful specifically in the factory and may be expanded in the future: outpost, north, destination, biters ...


This category contain sample of "most common word in english". There are no duplicates, some of the most common words are part of previous category, but if you have a missing a word for a sentence, it may be there.

New !!

7=> Space age:

This category contain the extension of the ##1 for all the new items from the Space Age expansion, and a few others like the name of the new ennemies and locations.

Bonus : Extras samples:

This group contain sample of famous movie quotes mostly, unlike the other groups there is no female and male version.

Each of those 14 (+1) groups shows up as individual additionnal instruments on the programmable speaker to help find the different samples easily. The first number in the "note name" is its position on the list, which is also the value that need to be sent to the speaker to call the specific word.

-Ever wanted to program the speaker in railway stations or airport that announce when the train is arriving or delayed ?
Now works for spaceship and landing Pads ! Making it possible to make a machine saying " you are not welcome to Gleba, go back ! "
-Wants to make a machine that read circuit networks out loud ?
-A countdown from 20 to 0 for rocket launch or a speaking clock ?
-A more friendly reminder that something is ready than an alarm or more detailed alert for battery level ?
-Just make a machine that says silly things ?

+It can also be used to say "tick tick tick ticks " or "D D D D D D do" which sound funny.

It is your task to build the logic to read large numbers by assembling smaller ones in the game with combinators, not sure if that one is easy.
Male and female voice sample should have the same length allowing to switch without messing any timer, although the female voice is supposed to speak a little slower and finish speaking a little later, the male samples are containing silence to make up for it.

Example of uses and demos blueprints ( quite dated) :

less than 30 MB

Any ideas for additionnal words would be well received, also any advices or recommandations or feedback.

Mod that work well with :

Pushbutton :
Making it easier to trigger a pulse when preparing a contraption

Picker Dollies:
Making it easier to move speakers and combinators without having to rewire them

Credits :
font from :
all talking sounds were made and downloaded from this AI:
movie quotes ripped from youtube mostly
images from this AI:
inspiration from :