Schmitt | The more research the more evolution 🧪➡👽⚔️

The evolution factor is set by the share of researched technologies vs. all technologies. Example: If there are 1000 research topics (techs) and you have researched 250 of them, then the evolution factor is 25%. (Military techs as well as mostly irrelevant techs excluded from calculation)

9 months ago

g 'Research Fog' mod incompatibility

2 months ago

For anyone else looking to use this mod (Schmitt | The more research the more evolution 🧪➡👽⚔️) and sherlockholmes221b's 'Research Fog' mod, your research won't scale properly and you'll have big biters before you've researched 5 techs. The alternative similar mod that DE_Schmitt links to in the description, 'Research Causes Evolution Next' by overload127, works properly with Research Fog.

Thank you DE_Schmitt, I appreciate you, your mods, and your efforts to help the Factorio modding community :3

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