Hello, i really like your mod and the idea behind it. However as i use SE and K2 and some other mods i copied on local your mod to increase the percentageTotalResearchProgress * 2 by 6 and i still wasn't happy with the speed of evolution. The other problem is that its a linear progression while it should be a exponential decrease. First few researches should bring you quickly to +-0.2 evo then slow down until 1 evo in the late game. I tried to implement that in lua, but im not a programmer, i made a mod myself "Archanids" but its mostly implementing graphics. Here is the few things i found, maybe it would help if you ever feel like adding those features.
for n = 1, 11 do
local xp = math.floor(10 * n^.5)/n
print(n, xp)
Chat GPT also suggested different ways to do that with math.pow or math.exp
local totalTechs = numResearched + numNotResearched
local ratioResearched = numResearched / totalTechs
local expValue = math.exp(10 * (ratioResearched - 1))
percentageTotalResearchProgress = 1 - (1 / (1 + expValue))
But no mater how i put it, the starting evo is 0 and stay 0, im not good enough at math to find the error, so i figured i would ask you :' )
I also removed the military option and such, feel like if you have time some mods options could be great too, but i know it takes time and effort.
Sad because, i feel like the reaserch to evo factor should be part of the base game, at least as an option like deathworld or rail world are.