Repair Turret

by Klonan

Adds Repair Turrets

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0
Combat Logistic network

b Turret build mode tries to place tile over landfill ghost

2 months ago

Turret keeps trying to build a refined concrete tile that was force placed over water and has landfill ghost under it.

Turret uses up all energy and shows the beam between the tile in question and goes all the way to the concrete storage. Looks like turret is also stuck and does not build other stuff in range. I do not have landfill available in the logistic network.

It successfully built walls and landfill over water before, so it could be due to lack of landfill or because it tries to build a tile.

2 months ago

bonjour j'ai un bug depuis aujourd'hui

Le mod Repair Turret (2.0.0) a engendré une erreur non récupérable.
Merci d'informer l'auteur de cette erreur.

Error while running event Repair_Turret::on_tick (ID 0)
Invalid ItemID: expected LuaItemPrototype, LuaItemStack, LuaItem or string.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'insert'
Repair_Turret/script/repair_turret.lua:788: in function 'try_build_ghost'
Repair_Turret/script/repair_turret.lua:377: in function 'check_target'
Repair_Turret/script/repair_turret.lua:413: in function 'update'
Repair_Turret/script/repair_turret.lua:962: in function 'check_turret_update'
Repair_Turret/script/repair_turret.lua:1028: in function 'handler'
core/lualib/event_handler.lua:47: in function <core/lualib/event_handler.lua:45>

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

I get no error. My issue is not related to the stack trace above. @sepultura make a separate thread and make sure to set aside your save file right before the error occurred.

I think I found the issue:
Code always return true for can_revive if it is a tile ghost. With 2.0 tile ghost might not be eligible so code needs to perform the actual check now.

2 months ago

Klonan, would it be hard/ too performance impacting to check for the landfill ghost on the same coords as the tile ghost?

a month ago

un énorme MERCI ce mod est vraiment le pied lorsque l'on a une carte géante comme la mienne.
merci merci merci

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