Repair Turret

by Klonan

Adds Repair Turrets

1 year, 2 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Combat Logistic network

b __Repair_Turret__/script/repair_turret.lua:385: attempt to index a nil value

2 years ago


We seem to be experiencing a crash with the sipdertron and the repair tower. We are thinking it's the repair tools and drone...

Error while running event Repair_Turret::on_tick (ID 0)
Repair_Turret/script/repair_turret.lua:385 : attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
Repair_Turret/script/repair_turret.lua:385 : in function 'get_pickup_entity'
Repair_Turret/script/repair_turret.lua:435 : in function 'repair_entity'
Repair_Turret/script/repair_turret.lua:771 : in function 'update_turret'
Repair_Turret/script/repair_turret.lua:882 : in function 'check_turret_update'

2 years ago

can you provide a save game?

2 years ago

how can I upload on to you?

2 years ago

On any website, even the forum, or send it to me on discord

New response